Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012

Wedding photography is simple

But don’t confuse simple with easy!

Shooting weddings and building a successful business requires a ton of hard work! You take on a huge responsibility documenting this once in a lifetime event. The images you create will be all that is left to tell this story to future generations. Wedding photos are truly valuable.

Wedding photographers are lucky. They get to shoot incredible events and spend time with people on one of the happiest days of their lives.

And while a wedding is a long and complex event and a business has a ton of different parts, there are just a few simple ideas that underly success:

1.Storytelling – A wedding is a story. But what’s it about, and how do you tell it with your photos?

2.Client Experience – Running a service business means taking care of your clients. What are the steps you can take to find clients and create a great experience for them?

3.Preparation – There are no do-overs with a wedding. What do you need to do to prepare and how will it make your photos better?

Simple Wedding Photography is a downloadable eBook that walks you step-by-step through the process of shooting a wedding. You’ll also learn how to start, and run, a successful wedding photography business.

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